Our story


Our Story

The First Urban Farm

2014 – Our first homestead was in Atlanta Georgia. We started with six baby chicks.
They were our foundation, education, and start to a different life. We began to incorporate their habits into turning oru garden compost. We then also learned the conversion of chicken waste to nitrogen dense compost.
Some of those OG ladies still remain in our flock, 10 years later. When we say our birds are spoiled we mean it. Our hens spend the day in the sunshine. They are not meat birds, and we do not harvest them for eating.
Our chickens work hard on the farm. They forage in the forest, in some of our fields, and the elderly gals spend their time in the “retirement” coop (which is really our backyard).

The Duck Pond

We Bought A Farm!

At the start of shutdowns Jeff was furloughed, but I was able to work remotely. We started piecing together goals about what we wanted, and what that would look like in our dream of having land and providing food for our community.
My coping mechanism at the time was to scroll property listings on certain sites. Through a series of unusual events, a property was suggested (thanks algorithm) even though it was not in my search criteria. I asked Jeff to keep an open mind and our journey began.
After some serious highs and lows, we signed on the property on July 30th, 2020. The business of getting land is not the end story to creating a farm. It would take several months more to sell everything back in Atlanta. Still, a few more months to get supplies for the greenhouse. Due to supply chain issues, continued lockdowns, and Jeff building everything by hand: we were at the mercy of time. 


2021 July
We got word our Aquaponics tanks and systems were ready for delivery. We still had parts of the greenhouse to complete. Our daughter Kelyn and some other friends showed up to help us raise the roof. We were trying to figure out a way to pull the plastic without damage, and I realized I had some small cucumbers in the back of the jeep. We tied ropes around the cucumbers and began tossing them over the frame of the greenhouse.

The greenhouse got her name, and our growing story really begins. 

Why are we named Blackbird? Our mascot is a Raven – after Charity and Kelyn (RAVN). We have black-feathered birds (Marans, Ayam Cemani) and we really couldn’t find another farm name that suited our family better or was a credit to those little chickens that started everything back in 2014. 

Contact Us!

Please direct media and visit inquiries below. The farm is open to the public by appointment or designated days.

(678) 200-6318

3918 GA SR 355 Buena Vista 31803

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